Sunday, November 27, 2011

The New Eloquence, Inc. Facebook Store Is Active! Free Gift With Store Purchase By Christmas!

Check it out!  You can now purchase, while quantities last, your customized carnival experience right from the Eloquence, Inc. Facebook store!  Travel service planning fee, airfare, housing options, and more available for purchase, with more options coming soon!  Housing options are down to the wire, don't delay!

Special promotion to welcome everyone to purchasing via the Facebook store (payments are handled from there via PayPal, so don't worry financial information remains private and secure):

Purchase airline ticket in full by Christmas Day and receive a free regular admission ticket to a carnival Saturday fete!  
(This means all 3 one-third payment segments of the airline ticket reservation added to shopping cart and paid in full by December 25, 2011.)

For those who have already deposited on their airline reservation prior to store launch, simply pay your remaining balance in full by Christmas Day (December 25, 2011) and you will still receive a FREE general admission ticket to a carnival Saturday fete!

Insomnia 2011

Please note travel planning service fee is required to plan your trip and must be paid in order for purchased items to be released.  Please note items are non-refundable where noted in item descriptions.

Please remember to check the email used to complete the store purchases for costume/biographical info form, which must be filled out with your name as it is shown on your passport, along with other relevant information.  The email address used to complete store purchases is the email address to which Eloquence, Inc. will send all information.

D'Krewe Carnival, 2012 theme PANACHE, section BOMBSHELL (frontline)

Want to go to Trinidad Carnival but don't know how to get the flight, hotel, costume, fetes, j'ouvert, and transportation arranged?  Eloquence, Inc. can take care of all this for you and now you can shop at your convenience!

Eloquence, Inc. Career Services resume and CV writing services can also be purchased through the Eloquence, Inc. store!