Sunday, November 27, 2011

The New Eloquence, Inc. Facebook Store Is Active! Free Gift With Store Purchase By Christmas!

Check it out!  You can now purchase, while quantities last, your customized carnival experience right from the Eloquence, Inc. Facebook store!  Travel service planning fee, airfare, housing options, and more available for purchase, with more options coming soon!  Housing options are down to the wire, don't delay!

Special promotion to welcome everyone to purchasing via the Facebook store (payments are handled from there via PayPal, so don't worry financial information remains private and secure):

Purchase airline ticket in full by Christmas Day and receive a free regular admission ticket to a carnival Saturday fete!  
(This means all 3 one-third payment segments of the airline ticket reservation added to shopping cart and paid in full by December 25, 2011.)

For those who have already deposited on their airline reservation prior to store launch, simply pay your remaining balance in full by Christmas Day (December 25, 2011) and you will still receive a FREE general admission ticket to a carnival Saturday fete!

Insomnia 2011

Please note travel planning service fee is required to plan your trip and must be paid in order for purchased items to be released.  Please note items are non-refundable where noted in item descriptions.

Please remember to check the email used to complete the store purchases for costume/biographical info form, which must be filled out with your name as it is shown on your passport, along with other relevant information.  The email address used to complete store purchases is the email address to which Eloquence, Inc. will send all information.

D'Krewe Carnival, 2012 theme PANACHE, section BOMBSHELL (frontline)

Want to go to Trinidad Carnival but don't know how to get the flight, hotel, costume, fetes, j'ouvert, and transportation arranged?  Eloquence, Inc. can take care of all this for you and now you can shop at your convenience!

Eloquence, Inc. Career Services resume and CV writing services can also be purchased through the Eloquence, Inc. store!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WSJ NEWS ALERT: Secret Informant Surfaces in BNY Currency Probe

This is from my email alerts courtesy of The Wall Street Journal...

How is anyone to trust the stock markets again when you consider that this huge, supposedly reputable bank has been scamming its investors for around TEN YEARS???!!!!

I feel like the best bets these days to not end up homeless and penniless in your old age after investing money all your life that you could have just PARTIED and enjoyed yourself with and had the same result...are investments in real estate and entrepreneurship!  I'm serious!  Unless you're investing in something real that's used in everything like GOLD and SILVER, it just doesn't make sense for the average Joe to jump back on the investment bandwagon.  Houses can lose value yes, but at least at the end of the day you can live IN it while toughing out the mortgage payment!  You can't go live in the fluctuating value of stocks and bonds and the real money in those is really made with the IPO (initial public offering)...which, coincidentally, is not quite as available to "the public" as you would think from the name.

News Alertfrom The Wall Street Journal

For a decade, Grant Wilson toiled on a small trading desk at Bank of New York Mellon Corp. inPittsburgh, buying and selling currencies for the bank’s biggest clients. For the last two of those years he was also a secret whistleblower, assisting currency-trading investigations of BNY Mellon.

His input culminated with the filing last week of separate civil lawsuits by the Justice Department in federal court and New York attorney general in state court alleging that BNY Mellon systematically overcharged investors on billions of dollars of currency trades, defrauding or misleading them for a decade.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vacations for Single Moms - Vacations for Single Dads - Family Vacation Critic Article

Vacations for Single Moms - Vacations for Single Dads - Family Vacation Critic

Excellent article that points out a very ignored demographic...and a market that more than anyone needs and deserves that real vacation!

I'll be planning a family trip to Jamaica and would love to form a package with parents, single and not, who want to go and take their children with them!  Since I'm Jamaican and have the skills to actually drive around the island, I foresee a nice little tour coming with a small family group that wants to do a nice vacation on a budget, and be with other adults who understand the balance between fun and finances as well as a local who can help with making the vacation truly stress-free!

Trips to Jamaica for singles, couples, and groups who want more fun, less hassle, less cost...that's available now!  Jamaica Carnival is one event that gets great reviews despite many people not realizing yes, Jamaica does have a carnival!  Events going on during the less expensive times of year to head to Jamaica will be a nice addition to my travel planning services as well.  Spring break, carnival, Sumfest, ATI weekend, Thanksgiving getaway, Christmas fun in the sun...all available now through Eloquence, Inc. travel services!

Jamaica Carnival 2011 from Ryan Lue Photography

If you want the hotel/all-inclusive extravagance for established major events such as ATI/Dream Weekend in August...please see Terrance as he is the pro on the packages!  I book the other types of events he doesn't do, and the laid-back vacations whether at a luxury hotel or a budget hotel or guesthouse right near a beach!

See my trip to Jamaica here and check out the Eloquence, Inc. Youtube for videos, more coming soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another Satisfied Resume & Career Services Client! Is Your #Resume Next?

Chantell loves her resume package (one formatted resume, one plain text resume, and one cover letter)...I'm turning resumes from Clark Kent into Superman!  Is yours next?

For more information see my other testimonials (still waiting on others to come in) here, and see my business card here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Graduate? Want a Promotion? Watch & Learn!

From my email inbox, share with every new or recent (within the last two years) graduate you know, or anyone who has been absent from the world of full-time work for a's a brand new jungle out there!

Adecco - Better work, better life
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FREE webinar!
Job search tips for recent grads
Job search tips for recent grads
Wednesday, June 22, 2:00 pm EST
Register Now
If you or someone you know is a recent college grad, Adecco can help make the transition from student to professional a little easier.
Our free webinar, “From the classroom to the boardroom” offers strategies for making the most out of a job search and setting young professionals on the path to success.
Topics we’ll cover include:        
  • How to access job opportunities
  • Determining which jobs fit your goals and your lifestyle
  • The current state of the job market for college graduates
  • Common obstacles you may need to overcome
  • And more!

I also recommend the First Job Survival Guide...some of the best advice money can buy...and a great graduation gift to those who have not been working full-time while attending school, and to those who have not worked much or at all in corporate America!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Want To Go To #Trinidad #Carnival #2012 But Don't Know Where to Start?

Want to go to Trinidad Carnival 2012 but don't know where to start with the planning? I can get you and your group there get in touch with me!

Share with...everyone!

Other contact information not on the card:
Skype: eloquence-inc

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eloquence, Inc. Career Services is #Mobile!

Wow just signed in to a notice that I can now activate the beta version of my blog optimized for mobile phone viewing!  Glad the powers that be at Blogger figured out we need that readily and automatically available because I can't tell you how many times I asked a friend to check out something on here and the response was about some issue with the (rather graphics-heavy) site loading to a mobile phone!

Progression, yes!
preview of mobile version of Eloquence, Inc. Career Services!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Third World Countries Like #Jamaica Aren't the Only Ones With a SERIOUS #DEBT PROBLEM!

From Reuters courtesy of Yahoo News:

China warns U.S. debt-default idea is "playing with fire"

The National Debt Clock, hangs on a wall next to an office for the Internal Revenue Service near Times Square, in New YorkReuters – The National Debt Clock, which displays the current United States gross national debt and each American …
SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Republican lawmakers are "playing with fire" by contemplating even a brief debt default as a means to force deeper government spending cuts, an adviser to China's central bank said on Wednesday.
The idea of a technical default -- essentially delaying interest payments for a few days -- has gained backing from a growing number of mainstream Republicans who see it as a price worth paying if it forces the White House to slash spending, Reuters reported on Tuesday.
But any form of default could destabilize the global economy and sour already tense relations with big U.S. creditors such as China, government officials and investors warn.
Li Daokui, an adviser to the People's Bank of China, said a default could undermine the U.S. dollar, and Beijing needed to dissuade Washington from pursuing this course of action.
"I think there is a risk that the U.S. debt default may happen," Li told reporters on the sidelines of a forum in Beijing. "The result will be very serious and I really hope that they would stop playing with fire."

more here.
Jamaica, Haiti, and many countries in South America and on the African continent are the first ones we think of when news about devaluation of the dollar and high national debt circulates.  But what about the debt and dollar value crises developing right here in our own backyard?
It was YEARS ago in college that a professor of mine speaking on economics said that the U.S. (even at THAT time before the recession), had the economics of a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, and it was only it's reputation as, well, the U.S. that saved it thus far from what normally happens to countries with a debt picture and imbalance of trade as the U.S. does: the IMF steps in and prescribes some fix for the problem, and to continue receiving outside monies, the country has to use the prescription. 

The U.S. was apparently given carte blanche (a blank cheque) even when there were those like that economics professor that saw the writing on the wall a long time ago.  I even realized it myself in the year I read an article that stated the overall savings level of the entire nation, including the richest people in the nation, was -.01% or some ridiculously low NEGATIVE number like that!  How can the entire country be overall a negative on savings given that this has always been seen as the land of opportunity?  Is the cost of access to those opportunities (which you are not guaranteed to be a receiver of) wiping out the benefits?

Exclusive Video Coverage from the Black Enterprise #Entrepreneurs Conference, Marriott Marquis Atlanta!

From BlackAndMarriedWithKids (which is a site I like because it is a voice of a certain sub-demographic of the black population rarely discussed and treated like a if it doesn't exist!).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In 2008 Another Kenyan (Not Barack Obama) Took the World by Storm :)

(From 2008)
Imagine your child being trained for greatness from the age of 5 or younger! From children are born we need to have a plan for their lives. Yes as they grow they will make their own choices, but the earlier you train their mind how to think, the more stable and brilliant those choices will be!

Mwende Window Snyder, Chief Security Officer at Mozilla, maker of Firefox browser

Read the story of one such person here:

Don't neglect the important role a top-notch education has to play in one's life...nor the role of parents who ensure the best education possible for their children.  Window Snyder went to Choate Rosemary Hall, one of the best private prep schools in the nation!

Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT

Wedding Planning Seminar from a Professional Wedding Planner!

From Facebook:

If you are in the midst of planning a wedding, mark this on your calendar: 

The Art of Stress-Free Wedding Planning 
@ the Roswell Library, 
Saturday, June 25, 10 am - 1 pm. 

Dee Baily, a wedding planner with 10 years of experience, will help you smooth out planning for your special day. 

For more info or to register call 770-640-3075.

Picture from here

A professional's knowledge for free?  Always a nice return on investment!

#WSJ NEWS ALERT: Security Breach Forces RSA to Offer to Replace SecurIDs

From my email inbox (I had the Wall Street Journal, aka WSJ, subscription since my undergraduate business school days, and always enjoyed being on top of the world's financial and other breaking news (for example, I just headed over there to ge the link to WSJ online to post later in this paragraph, and discovered AT&T wants to buy T-Mobile!).  The subscription came with the paper student subscription, and seems to have kept going even though I no longer get the paper version.  It may be possible to sign up for the alerts with or without the subscription, head on over to the Wall Street Journal and find out!

News Alert
from The Wall Street Journal

RSA Security is offering to replace its well-known SecurID tokens—devices used by 40 million corporate workers to securely log on to their computers—"for virtually every customer we have," the company's Chairman Art Coviello said in an interview.

In a letter to customers Monday, the EMC Corp. unit openly acknowledged for the first time that intruders had breached its security systems at defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp

RSA's website

This just goes to show you, nothing is 100% safe when it comes to anything manmade, and that includes technology!

What is also interesting is that you never realize the REAL companies behind the scenes that make your everyday work or home tech life possible...until something goes wrong. :)

You can just imagine the constant in-house attempts to detect any flaws or loopholes in the security systems before a malicious outsider does...hard work!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Eloquence, Inc.: What Is Eloquence?

Eloquence, according to the Webster's revised unabridged dictionary, means

"1. Fluent, forcible, elegant, and persuasive speech in public; the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language either spoken or written, thereby producing conviction or persuasion.Eloquence is speaking out . . . out of the abundance of the heart. --Hare.
2. Fig.: Whatever produces the effect of moving and persuasive speech.Silence that spoke and eloquence of eyes. --Pope.
The hearts of men are their books; events are their tutors; great actions are their eloquence. --Macaulay.
3. That which is eloquently uttered or written.
O, let my books be then the eloquence And dumb presagers of my speaking breast. --Shak."

The creation of this blog is partly due to nearly millions of great ideas that need to be expressed in one organized location (separate from my Caribbean culture/after-hours events blog); partly due to the realization that many friends, acquaintances, and strangers turn to me for information, resources, and progressive ideas which can be of use to many more people in the world; and partly due to the suggestion on several occasions that I should start a blog!

If there are any factual errors, please contact Eloquence, Inc. so that it can be fixed!

Enjoy and please send all comments, questions, concerns, recommendations, constructive criticisms, or any other relevant information you would like to share, to or comment right on any blog post!

Remember to subscribe at the top of the page for the latest updates, Like the page if you have Facebook, and follow along on NetworkedBlogs, Google, and Twitter!


Eloquence, Inc. Career Services
(404) 590-1882

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stay on Top of #Business #News Right From Your Inbox! #Reuters

Many top business minds know daily reading of business and finance publications such as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is a key way to keep your finger on the pulse of the climate out there in the business world. It is also an important strategy for keeping one step ahead of the competition when it comes to spotting or creating opportunities (and recognizing threats!) for your company.

If you check the source of many news reports (not provided by a publication's in-house staff) as well as the source of many news reports on the front pages of Yahoo, MSN and the realize many of the reports come from Reuters newswires. allows you to subscribe to various types of newsletters containing late-breaking news (international, daily investor, etc.), and this service is free to anyone!

To avoid the reports getting lost in your other emails, set up an email folder called Reuters or some other specific title that will jog your memory as to the contents, then set up a filter (usually found in your Options link) that will automatically send all mail from the to that folder. Take the time to catch up on the headlines during downtime or breaks; you will stay informed and keep your inbox from becoming overcrowded and overwhelming!

How To Get Fired In 5 Easy Steps!


This brings to mind the INHERENT trap in internet-based social networks such as Facebook, Myspace, Hi5, and possibly even LinkedIn...more than ever, your boss or potential employer can easily find ammunition with which to sink your career before it even sailed out the harbour!

I personally advocate people having a split personality on the web, so to speak. This does not mean pretend to be something you are not, but it does mean to be smart about what you are doing...

Like it or not, humans are by NATURE judgmental creatures, our minds can't deal with a infinite amount of uncategorized we must prioritize and categorize every sensation and perception so that we are not reinventing the wheel every time we come across the same thing or similar things. So by nature, no matter how what you do in your private time should be of zero import to the company you work or want to work for, in reality, knowing about your wild partying every weekend and seeing the language you use with friends and such are great ways to come up with reasons to promote, or not lay off, the OTHER person whose antics are not visible to the public. Even with LinkedIn, if you don't want your current job terminated the second they realize you are scouting for a new could be job suicide to announce to a network geared towards finding you a job...that you are looking for one! It all becomes like war games, with covert and overt strategies that may look NOTHING like each other, but fail at one and you could lose not just the battle, but the war!  I would even go so far as to block individuals who have meant you ill in the past, before even interacting with them on that site.  LinkedIn doesn't presently allow you to block anyone, unfortunately, but Facebook for example proposes people you might know based on mutual friends...if you had or are going through a horrible divorce and the ex pops up, go ahead and block him or her because they may be able to keep up with your life through mutual friends postings on your wall!

This is also a reason why the first step you should take as soon as you sign up for any site, is establishing exactly what you need to do to keep private the information that you need not display for the entire Web, but just a select few. Facebook and Myspace have popular options that allows the public to see only your face and possibly your location and last log-in date. You can set your privacy options so that only your friends on your profile's friend list can see all your information, and Facebook takes it a step further and allows you to restrict individual people from how much of your profile they have access to. So they can be your friend but maybe you don't want but a certain few family members on the list to be able to see your pictures labelled 'private'? No problem.

Security features are going to become a major issue as more people get connected, and the inevitable hackers and scam artists, shady characters, and internet stalkers (which is not necessarily romantic, I have been stalked by flat out evil-minded, idle, jealous people who simply trail you around the internet trying to find something to discredit you with!) latch onto the bandwagon.

You should know the culture of the company as best you can. If you work for a legal firm and you are the only person that does a particular job in the office...they may not want to know that you stunt sportbikes in your free time. The world use to be a great unknown, now it is becoming one big pot of TOO MUCH INFORMATION (TMI)!!!!

P.S. Is it me or as companies become more money-hungry and bloodthirsty, with corruption scandals being uncovered left and right...they are trying to find the perfect employee, which will never exist? It's like men who sit around playing the field and wrecking perfectly good relationships or potential relationships because they spend their lives in a futile hunt for the PERFECT woman, who only exists in their fantasies and possibly on tv!

Be careful out there!